By asking for prayer, other people around the world have agreed to pray with you, and God has already answered your prayer. Thank you for your engagement in our online community. The purpose of the prayer wall is to allow users to pray as a community and connect around their prayer needs. We are committed to maintaining an open, welcoming, and fruitful prayer space for all.
Name is Rick need prayer protection and mercy bullying at home did a good thing paying for it
2 weeks | Prayed 3 time(s)
LORD,protect Hungary,Bp,my village,grant us peace,good results in US-elections,have Mercy on B,P,Z,B,L,K,S,H,F,my family,politicians in Hungary,USA,EU,NATO,Russia,Ukraine through intercession of Mary
1 month | Prayed 3 time(s)
Please pray for Magnus. He is in trouble alot and needs help. It is urgent. Thank you very much.
2 months | Prayed 1 time(s)
Name is Tim please need prayer for mercy and protection and vindicated at work asst manager Rick was vulgar and use profanity on me need God deal with that place
2 months | Prayed 1 time(s)
Sir, request if you can do this prayer for me, my children and our present bloodline.
Iam doing this prayer and request if you also can do it on behalf of our
Children and our bloodline. We were a total of 7 children. My sisters names
are as follows
1. Hem lata-deceased-pre-mature death
2. Kamlesh lata
3. Umlesh lata
My brothers names are
1. Mukesh chand
2. Rakesh chand
3. Bimal chand
4. Daniel Vikash Chandra- myself
2 months | Prayed 3 time(s)
please pray for my family
2 months | Prayed 3 time(s)
Name is Rick please need prayer for mercy and protection and vindicated over toxicity at work and home thank you and God bless you
2 months | Prayed 3 time(s)
Name is Tim please need prayer for mercy and protection and vindicated toxicity at work my store manager got nasty with me about going home sick I am ill thank you and God bless you 🙏
3 months | Prayed 4 time(s)
Name is Tim I am doing ok but I have to deal with toxicity at work and home I need prayer for mercy and protection from toxicity and God deal with these people thank you and God bless you 🙏
3 months | Prayed 4 time(s)
Name is Rick My work place is toxic and horrible nepotism and toxicity I didn't get a break in hot humid weather need prayer for mercy and protection and vindicated over this thank you and God bless you